Identify Community Issue David 8/7/08

Currently one problem my community is facing is lack of community input from youth. During the school year, most teens would go straight home after school to watch their favorite television show or play their favorite game over and over or even wander around the streets with no purpose of where they’re going. With the same pathetic excuses of “I am too tired”, “That’s boring”, or “Maybe another day” as their youth is slowly drifting away.

I believe most people are tackling this problem by holding more events for teens to participate in, making them more informed of their community. Different organizations trying to get people to join them but it still seem futile.

I believe that the different organizations can run more events that are nearby the people’s houses. This would encourage more people to come out if its right outside their house. I believe that the different organizations should go to different schools to let kids know about them and that might spark their interest.

This problem affects everyone because kids are the future and they should contribute to their community to make this world a better place.